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Do you know what Across the Floor is in dance? It’s where dancers will take a combination they learned and travel across the floor executing what they just learned. In dance class this is pretty routine and the students have some time to have one on one instruction and practice in an environment they’re used to.

At a convention, sometimes it’s a little more intimidating because you are there to grow and to get nudged out of your comfort zone. The Across the Floors are sometimes challenging and there is not a lot of time to perfect it before you travel in groups.

If you are the last group to go, everyone who has just finished is usually waiting and so all eyes are on you. Not the least bit intimidating, right? 😉

It just so happened that in the most difficult class of a convention we recently went to, somehow the last group ended up with only two people in it. So again, all eyes were on the last two dancers to go.

The blonde girl in the photo is on a traveling dance crew. She’s got experience to say the least. She was one of the two. The other girl (not pictured) was struggling during the instructional part of this Across the Floor combination. It was a style she had never done before and she was a few years younger than the other girl.

So here it was time. Time for the last two girls to travel across the floor in front of dozens of dance peers’ gazes. The experienced girl who had it down and the younger girl who was new to this style and was


I already new what was going to happen. The experienced girl was going to kill it. This was her moment to really shine with no competition to distract from the attention she deserved.

But she didn’t.

She waited.

She went and stood beside the younger girl, and she walked her through every single step at the younger girl’s pace and they did it together. All the way across the floor.

I got tears in my eyes. All I could think of was: We who are strong ought to bear with the shortcomings of the weak.

I know this verse, but this girl lived this verse out.

The girl in the photo was strong. But she didn’t use her strength for her own glory or to scoff at the younger girl who was struggling.

She used her strength to bear up someone else’s weakness. She wasn’t worried about missing her opportunity to shine. She was far too concerned with making sure the girl with her didn’t get left behind.

© 2014 by Glow.

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