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How's My Heart?

Psalm 95:8

Do not harden your hearts and become spiritually dull as at Meribah [the place of strife], And as at Massah [the place of testing] in the wilderness...

This verse is talking about not hardening our heart and thus becoming spiritually dull. Did you catch that the Bible specifically mentions two places this happened?

1. MERIBAH (The place of strife) - When we allow our spirits to get caught up in strife [anger, bitterness, discord], our hearts get hard and we become spiritually dull.

I commit to guarding my heart and strife!

2. MASSAH (The place of testing) - How is my heart when I don't get what I want, when people hurt or disappoint me, and when I just don't understand? This is the wilderness and this is when our hearts are tested, and we are able to see what's really there. I can harden my heart during this time or I can cling all the more to God and allow Him to work all things out for my good.

When I'm in the wilderness, and I am being tested, I will run and cling to God until He and He alone brings me out on the other side!

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