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Appreciating My Miracles

God provided a miracle for the Israelites by supplying them with fresh manna every day. To have this delicious food miraculously on your doorstep each morning is an amazing miracle! I would completely freak out if this happened to me! I'm sure they did, too... the first times it happened. But after awhile they stopped appreciating what God was doing for them.

The manna was a miracle for sure, but it became so familiar that it was no longer appreciated nor admired. What are the very real miracles in my life that I am not appreciating? Was I SO thankful for my brand new babies when they were first born, but now I am growing weary of the daily tasks surrounding them? Did I admired the gift of my husband SO much in the beginning, but now I focus on each little thing he's not getting right?

Lord, please help me appreciate the miracles in my life even if they've been with me for years!

© 2014 by Glow.

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