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Don’t Give Up!

My heart is bursting with joy today! We have lived in our house for 2 years and in that time I could not come up with what I wanted to put on the large wall surrounding our television. It looked so bare, but I wanted just the right décor in such central part of our home. It finally hit me one day, and I got to work!

Before I tell you what I put on there, I need to tell why it’s important. Several years ago, my marriage had gotten to a point that didn’t look so good. If most people walked a day in my shoes they would have said it was hopeless because it had gotten to the point that looked like we should just give up.

I don’t know how I found this verse or why I began this journey, but one day a verse stood out to me like never before:

Psalm 118:15

Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly. The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!

From that day on, I turned that verse into a statement I would speak over my family. Week in and week out, I would speak that declaration: Songs of joy and victory are sung in my home! We will declare: The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!

One day, a particularly rough day… week… month… for me and my husband, my husband and I were standing in our master bathroom together. I remember as crystal clear as can be, my husband looked at me with defeat in his eyes and said, “I just don’t think we’re going to make it.”

I had spoken this verse so often in the most quiet moments of my alone time, that I surprised myself when I heard my voice speak up with soft determination in response to his claim, “Well I do!! I believe that songs of joy and victory will be sung in our home and we will declare that the strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things for us!”

I would love to say that we embraced, he said you’re absolutely right, and all was better. But actually he looked at me a little funny and shrugged me off. And things got worse. And because I don’t have a month to sit here and tell every little way God moved in our life, I will sum it up by telling you that God moved in our marriage and showed Himself strong in our family.

The declaration I used to have to speak in faith is a declaration I can now speak to other marriages as proof that God is faithful. I never want to make anyone feel condemned for their past, but I can’t let that stop me from using my mouth to cheer others on and encourage them to not give up hope!

So now to my wall décor… my husband and I together hung up this declaration in our living room. As we finally fished, we looked into each other’s eyes, we embraced, and enjoyed the statement of faith over our household. What I used to speak in the silence, as a sword fighting for our family, is now written on the walls of our house for all to see as a reminder of how strong our God is! As I said before… my heart is bursting with joy!

Father God, with You there is always hope! I will not give up on my marriage and I will not give up on the idea that You will fight for us! I commit to doing everything in my power to fight for my family and to believe Your promises to us even in the darkest of times. You are faithful and You are strong. I believe that songs of joy and victory will be sung in my home. We will declare: The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!

© 2014 by Glow.

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