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Why Wasn't I Enough?

Have you ever felt betrayed by someone you thought loved you? Maybe a spouse rejected you or maybe a parent didn’t take the interest in you that you wished they would have. Maybe a friend turned their back on you when you needed them the most. I think when this happens, we tend to question ourselves. We wonder what we could have done differently and why we weren’t enough to keep their loyalty to us.

This week, I was reminded of Jesus near the end of His life. One of His closest friends was Judas, and Jesus was very good to Judas. In fact, Jesus was absolutely perfect! He was perfectly kind, perfectly satisfying to have a relationship with, and He was perfectly fulfilling. You couldn’t have asked anymore of Him because He was perfect in all His ways.

Do you know that Jesus wasn’t enough for Judas? Actually, you and I know that He was, but Judas was so consumed with the evilness that filled his heart that he crazily felt like Jesus wasn’t enough for Him. Even with having the perfect Son of God walking with him and showing him God’s perfect love, it wasn’t enough to keep Judas from betraying someone he was supposed to be loyal to.

Please understand that if someone has rejected you, if someone who was supposed to love you turned their back on you – you could have been as perfect as Jesus and it still could not be enough for someone who has let darkness fill their hearts. If someone has chosen selfishness over love, it has so much more to do with their brokenness than it does if you were worth loving.

You are worth it. You have always been worth it. Jesus gave His life so you would understand and never doubt that you are worth loving. Just because someone else was blind to your value doesn’t mean you are less valuable. It means they were so consumed with their selfish desires that they weren’t willing to put your heart first.

You are enough in Him.

Jesus, You could not have been more perfect and it still wasn’t enough for someone You loved and were nothing but good to. Please open my eyes to my true value and worth in You. Just because someone else was selfish in their choices doesn’t mean that I have to live feeling less than. Please fill me with Your perfect love and help me understand how valuable I am in You.

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