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Keeping My Love Warm

In Matthew 24, Jesus does a lot of teaching on how the world will be shortly before He comes back. He describes the condition of the world and signs to look for. One thing He mentions is that lawlessness and wickedness will increase in the heart of man. Because so many people become selfish, their actions will bring much hurt to those around them. It will be so common, that many people will begin to give up hope and choose to harden their hearts.

Matthew 24:12-13

Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

In our world today, there is much sin that we can partake in. However, that is not necessarily my biggest concern. A perhaps greater concern to me is the condition of my heart in spite of the sin around me. The people around me who choose their selfish desires over the will of God, can really wear on me. Their lawless choices bring hurt and even rejection to me. I must not allow someone else’s wickedness to bring hardness to my heart. I must not allow my love to grow cold because of someone else’s sin. As I choose to endure to the end, continuing to love God and love the people around me, the Bible promises that I will be saved.

Jesus was no stranger to being hurt because of someone else’s sinful desires. Jesus was no stranger to the rejection from someone He was nothing but good to, and He was no stranger to betrayal from someone He trusted.

Matthew 26:45

Then he came to the disciples and said, “Go ahead and sleep. Have your rest. But look—the time has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

You may have been betrayed at the hands of a sinner. By someone who chose wickedness over loving you. Please know that Jesus was betrayed so severely by someone close to Him that it cost Him His life. This is why He is our greatest example. He kept on loving in spite of His friend betraying Him. He kept on loving in spite of people lying about Him, mocking Him, and humiliating Him. He had every reason to be hard, bitter, or cold. But He loved in spite of the hurt and rejection and that is why He is lifted up at God’s right hand today. That is why countless others have gotten to experience love, peace, and hope - All because of His choice to keep on loving in spite of it all.

This is our example and our aspiration. To never let others’ actions determine the state of our heart. To never let someone else’s sins dictate how we love. I am determined to not let my love grow cold just because someone else didn’t love me right. I will keep on loving in spite of it, and God will lift me up and cause countless others to blessed by my life and by my love.

Jesus, please help my love not grow cold because of the wickedness around me. I don’t want to be cynical or bitter. I want to love freely and fully in spite of those who have chosen to hurt me or betray me. You were betrayed and hurt more than anyone else and You still loved more than anyone else. Please fill me with Your love so that my heart stays warm in spite of the evil around me.

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