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Our Comforter

This is a writing my then 12 year old daughter did for a school project:

One way that God has really impacted my life is when my mom lost a baby last year. When I think of what I went through, a verse that comes to me is:

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Something I had known but not thought too deeply about was that God would never leave us nor forsake us. Some people, as I had done, take it very lightly. They say, “Well every Christian should know that.” Yes, we may know it, but sometimes we take it for granted and do not think it is a big deal, although it is a very big deal.

It is really hard to go through a time where you lose a loved one, and sometimes it can be hard to see your family go through that with you, but God was there with us to make us feel better. We felt comfort through a very hard time. Yes, it is hard and yes, of course it is okay to be sad and cry, but we can’t always dwell on these things and feel hopeless.

Through hardships as this it is very important to not lose faith in God. He’s not the reason we go through pain like this. That’s where a lot of people mess up. I’ve heard multiple stories of people who are strong Christians, but then when they go through something hard they say that it is God’s fault. This is absolutely not what we want to be caught doing.

It is absolutely amazing how much peace and comfort God gave my family through this time. He will do the same for you. God’s comfort is like a blanket that soothes us and keeps us from the cold. Just like when you are cold in your bed at night and you wrap yourself in a blanket, when you’re upset and need comfort you call on the Lord and wrap yourself in His comfort.

I’m sure all of us have lost a loved one, had one hurt, or had one going through hard times, and I can tell you even though I had not met this baby yet, he/she was still a part of my family. In my case, it was definitely hardest on my mom, yet she’s the one who would be on her knees praying to God, or in the morning still sad but looking refreshed.

After this situation I was able to trust in God so much more for comfort. It has made me a stronger person when it comes to hardships because I know that I can always look to God. It has also taught me about friends and family. We can always look to them for strength and help. I have learned that whenever we need comfort God will be there no matter what.


I had no idea my daughter took this away from this experience until she wrote this paper for school many months later. I never realized how much she was also watching me during this time and what she took away from how I handled my pain. I thank God that by His grace I was able to be a living model of how she can walk through any hardship in the future. During the rough times in our life, God is our comforter and one day we can lend the strength He gave us to another loved one in need of it.

Father God, thank You for Your comfort. I would be utterly lost without it. Thank You for soothing my pain, and easing the ache in my soul. Thank You, Lord, for lending me Your strength and allowing me to lend it to others to draw from. I look to You for my help and comfort.

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