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It’s Okay Because…

Ephesians 4:26 tells us: “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” We all feel anger from time to time, but some days we feel more anger than others. Sometimes, we can think of anger as a sin, but that’s not really what the Bible communicates. Our emotions are beneficial to us in many ways – as long as we don’t let them control us.

The verse above does not say: Don’t sin by being angry. It says: Don’t sin by letting anger control you. How do we do that? How do we let anger control us? We do that by allowing our anger to dictate our actions which inevitably lead us to sin.

Ephesians 4:27 goes on to say: for anger gives a foothold to the devil. As I read this, it occurred to me why anger gives a foothold to the devil. It is because when we are angry we can justify any wrong behavior we choose. We give the devil a place in our decision making, which will always entail sinning in some way or another, which then brings darkness into our life.

I am justified in doing this because he did _______ to me. I know I shouldn’t do this, but you know what, she shouldn’t have done ______ to me. This may not be the right choice, but it’s okay because I had ______ done to me.

The gravity of Ephesians 4:27 hits me so hard! When I hold onto anger against someone else, it is like I give the devil the keys to the car of my life! The Holy Spirit is no longer in charge of my actions, the devil is.

It’s not wrong to feel angry. There are some pretty bad things in this world for us to get angry about. What we have to watch out for is holding onto anger because that anger turns to bitterness and that bitterness is a poison that can ruin healthy decision making.

Hebrews 12:15 b

Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.

We have to watch out for anger taking root in our heart and producing the poison of bitterness. I was recently hurt and I am actively watching my heart to care to it that my hurt does not turn to bitterness. When I feel that resentment beginning to attach roots in my heart, I immediately begin to worship my Father God. I pluck it out and sing praises to the One who loves me more than anyone in the entire world. I pray and seek Him all the more. The devil will NOT get a foothold in my heart because of the stupid actions of someone else! I will continue to live wholeheartedly for my God and I will continue to walk in love. I will make decisions based on the Word of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit, not what the devil would have me do through my anger.

Father God, thank You for loving me better than anyone else can. Thank You for opening my eyes to see the dangers of letting anger control my choices. I never want to give the devil a foothold in my life. I don’t want bitterness attaching itself to my heart. I want my whole heart to be open to You so that I can have Your presence and Your blessings covering every part of my life!

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