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What's Good?

I have the mindset of: Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it! I hate not knowing what is expected of me. I’m sure we all feel like that with God sometimes. Like God, what is it You want from me or want to see in me? In Micah 6, He gives some options that God might want to require of us:

Should I come before Him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Would the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousand streams of oil? Should I give my firstborn for my transgression, the child of my body for my own sin?

He is asking, “What should I bring before the Lord when I come to Him?” He goes on to answer his own question for the benefit of all us reading it in the future:

Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: To act justly, to love faithfulness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

What an amazing treasure we find in the Word of God! He has spelled out to us exactly what He hopes to see from us in our lives!

1. To Act Justly/To Do What is Right

When people see my actions in public, do see them as honorable? If others could see my actions in private, would they view me with honor? Am I committed to telling the truth in every situation I’m in? Do I refuse to lie to anyone around me? Do I do for others and act in a way toward others that I would hope someone else would do for me and act toward me? Do I check the mirror of the Word of God to make sure I am reflecting Jesus in each part of my life?

2. To Love Faithfulness and Mercy

We have a generation and a culture of people who I’m afraid have forgotten what loyalty is – what commitment is! If I say I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it! If I say I’m here with you, I’m really here with you! When things don’t go my way, I’m still committed! When I feel disappointed, I’m still faithful! Did you mess up? I’m going to show you mercy. Did you fall down? I’m going to help you back up. I am absolutely, completely, whole-heartedly dedicated to the Lord and those He’s called me to share this life with. No hardship, detour, set-back, or obstacles are going to keep me from being faithful to my God and to my brothers and sisters in Christ!

3. To Walk Humbly with Your God

The only way to walk with God is to walk humbly. Some people seem to feel like life is just a struggle. They make everything so complicated. The answer is found in James 4:6 –

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

We need God’s grace to walk with power in this world! Some people are so proud that they don’t think they need to spend time with God. They don’t think they need to fellowship with Him. They can get through each day on their own. I will be the first to say that I need God! I am totally screwed up without Him! He makes every part of my life better – even the rough parts! The reason some people are continuing to run into ruts over and over again with their life is that they are not willing to submit themselves to the authority of God’s ways for their life. God doesn’t suggest humility, He requires it. It is humility that recognizes our need for God every day and it is humility that allows us to treat all those around us with respect, honor, and sacrificial love.

Father God, You have shown me exactly what You want to see in my life. You want me to live in the way You have shown me in Your Word. Please help me choose Your way over my way in every part of my life. You want me to live a faithful life to You and those around me and embrace mercy for others’ shortcomings. Please help my heart to be steadfast toward You. Please let nothing move me or shake me from following You. Please help me to be gracious to those around me. You also want me to walk humbly with You. I know pride has no place in my life if I want You to bless my life. Please help me quickly see when I am wrong and always have a heart that is longing to grow in You and desires to serve You.

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