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What’s Our Direction?

A marriage should be two people working together toward a common purpose. However, it’s possible that at times we would say that our marriage feels more like two people constantly butting their heads against each other as we each strive for a different direction.

Amos 3:3

Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?

Our spouse is not just another person in our house. Our spouse is a powerful companion that we should be walking hand in hand with to fulfill the call of God for our lives. We and our partner should have common goals that we are working toward as a family. We should have the same mindset in the raising of our children. We should take the time to see where we each desire to go in the future and do all that we can to support the other in getting there.

How can we agree on the direction for our family if we never discuss it? How do we agree on the direction we are headed if we never stop and pray together? How do we support our spouse’s eternal purposes if we don’t bring the power of the Word of God into our relationship?

If we want to continue to walk with our spouse in a healthy manner we need to make sure that we are both in agreement on the direction we are heading.

Mark 3:25

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

One of the most powerful things that can happen in a home is agreement. When our goal is not to divide our home into my way and your way, our goal becomes to walk together toward God’s plan for our family.

Father God, please help my spouse and I agree on the direction of our family. Please open my eyes to see the purpose You have for each of us and how that can all come to pass. I want to live in peace, I want to accomplish Your will, and I am willing to compromise as needed to live in agreement with my spouse. Please show us and reveal to us the direction You have for us.

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