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The Key to More Sexual Satisfaction

Lamar Odom recently made the news when he overdosed in a brothel and nearly killed himself. I in no way want to criticize a man who is obviously in a very dark place right now. I have been in dark places in my life, too. I do, though, think we can learn from his very publicized struggle. I was amazed to hear the detail of the story that he had spent $75,000 in a brothel, and while he was there he was taking a form of Viagra. That previous sentence holds more truth in it than a whole book written on the subject of sexual satisfaction.

It honestly makes me think of the Curious George movie. All throughout the movie there is a cab driver taking various characters in the movie to various places. All this crazy stuff keeps happening and the characters being carted around witness them with their jaws dropped! The cab driver who is seasoned in the city, simply states time and time again, “Yeah, seen it.” What is mesmerizing to one group of people is simply old news to this cab driver who claims to have witnessed it all before.

In our mind, more equals more, right? More money equals more peace of mind. More food means more fullness. More coffee equals more energy! But this is where the Designer of sex throws everyone in the world a curve ball. He has shown us in the treasure of His Word that the secret to being more sexually satisfied is actually less.

Feasting on the never ending sexual avenues for pleasure leaves the partaker only wanting more because enough is never enough. Once all is seen in one avenue, it’s time to search for more in another avenue. It becomes harder and harder to be pleased sexually because what was once mesmerizing is now old news. Our sexual pleasure meter looks at each new sexual opportunity and says, “Yeah, seen it.”

Pornography is a great example of this. Porn is marketed as something to satisfy your sexual urges. However, it is also one of the leading causes of impotency in men. So, what the person is using to find sexual satisfaction, is actually making it almost impossible to be pleased by sex itself.

Isaiah 43:23 & 25b

Who will hear these lessons from the past and see the ruin that awaits you in the future?

They were enveloped in flames, but they still refused to understand. They were consumed by fire, but they did not learn their lesson.

If we claim to have any wisdom or any level of maturity whatsoever, let this be said of us: That we learned the lessons shown to us by others and we learned from our lessons as well. When we hear of a man spending almost $100,000 to be sexually pleased and he still needs Viagra, let’s learn a lesson. When we see an acquaintance or friend have an affair and witness the brokenness that results, let’s learn a lesson. When we see how online sexual avenues prevent us from experiencing pleasure with our spouse, let’s learn a lesson. We can't be consumed in a fire of unbridled passion and quench it with more illicit flames.

Imagine a river that is broken down into many, various streams. With each branching off to another stream, the power and force of the river diminishes until each stream is just a soft, barely flowing creek. But imagine that same river whose borders are narrowed in and headed unswervingly in one direction. That river is going to surge with power! Do you really want to know the key to more sexual satisfaction? Lean in and I will tell you again… The key to more is less. Less avenues, less dabblings, less wanderings, til it is completely zeroed in on the one place it was always meant to stay – our spouse. The river of satisfaction will explode with passion and power when we do.

Father God, You created sex! I would be foolish to think that I could really come up sexually satisfied any other way than by how You showed us in Your Word. The enemy comes at me not to give me more options, but to take away the gift of powerful pleasure You designed for me to experience. Please help me see with divine vision what all the other avenues of sexual experiences are taking away from me and my spouse. Please give me the courage and the strength to fight for the passion my spouse and I deserve.

“If I snack all day long, when I come to the dinner table, I won’t eat with relish or with thankfulness.” ~ Gary Thomas

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