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What a Kiss Can Do

My husband and I have a long standing joke with our kids that when we pull into the garage and all of them get out, it may take us a while to join them in the house. They ask what we were doing and we tell them truthfully – kissing!!

One such day recently, we pulled into the garage with some Ed Sheeran playing through the speakers. We thought all of the kids had exited the car and we of course began to kiss and stare into each other’s eyes - Nothing explicit, just lovingly loving on each other. As I got out of the car, our 5 year old was getting out at the same time. I didn’t realize it but he had taken witness to our kissing time :-).

He looked up at me and in his sweet little voice said, “Man, Mommy, when you and Daddy were kissing I started to cry in my eyes.” I said, “Oh, did you like seeing that Mommy and Daddy love each other?” He smiled so sweetly with a nod yes.

It means more than we could ever imagine to our kids to know that their parents love each other. When I love on my husband, he is not the only one that benefits from it. My kids get peace, and hope, and security burrowed down deep in their hearts. When my husband honors me and shows me love, I am not the only one reaping the rewards. My children get to partake in the love that overflows and spills onto them.

One of the most treasured things ever spoken to me was from my then 11 year old last year. She said, “I hope one day I have a marriage just like you and Daddy’s.” Our children are watching us and their hearts are open. They are open to receive the love that spills over from our marriage or the bitterness. The kindness or the rudeness. The closeness or the coldness. The care in our kisses or the silence in our wishes. They see and it touches them. I pray we always touch their hearts with our love and nothing less.

Father God, please help my husband and I fight to keep the closeness in our marriage. There were many years of distance and I pray that You give us the strength and the courage to fight harder now more than ever to keep the love we have for each other strong. I pray that You fill us with Your Love so full that it overflows onto our children so that they can grow up knowing what true love looks like.

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