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Whose Room Was It?

Luke 22:7-13

Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover [lamb] had to be slain. So Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare for us the Passover meal, that we may eat it. They said to Him, Where do You want us to prepare [it]?

He said to them, Behold, when you have gone into the city, a man carrying an earthen jug or pitcher of water will meet you; follow him into the house which he enters, And say to the master of the house, The Teacher asks you, Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover [meal] with My disciples?

And he will show you a large room upstairs, furnished [with carpets and with couches properly spread]; there make [your] preparations.

And they went and found it [just] as He had said to them; and they made ready the Passover [supper].

As I read this story from the Bible to my kids this week, I couldn’t help but wonder who the man was that provided the room for the Last Supper. The most famous meal in history happened in a man’s house that obviously wasn’t even a part of Jesus’s crew. Jesus gave a description of the man’s servant to his disciples because they wouldn’t have known him otherwise. He only referred to him as the master of the house, so his name was not of importance.

This man was willing to provide his guest room to the Messiah even though he didn’t yet know him or his group of friends. The passage says that the room was just right for this supper. It had carpets and couches already laid out just how they needed to be.

I wonder if this man was some sort of spiritual man that heard the voice of God or had an angel tell him that the Savior of the World would eat the Passover meal at his home. I doubt that because it seems like the Bible would have included an important announcement like that.

I kind of think he was a normal man - a regular guy that must have found favor in the sight of God. I bet when he (or more likely his wife) was preparing this guest room that would one day be accurately designed to host the Lord’s Last Supper, he had no idea why he or his wife put the carpets precisely where they did. Maybe they didn’t know why they chose the furniture that was exactly what Jesus needed for the Passover. Perhaps they never realized how completely accurate the room was laid out by them for God Himself.

I find such hope in these verses that as I am living my life for God and submitting my will for His, He may be orchestrating my life in ways that I may not realize. Sometimes I think we feel promptings to make a certain decision or take a certain direction for our lives. We don’t know why, but we can’t mistake that our heart is drawn to that decision. I wonder how many times God is coordinating our actions to prepare for a moment so calculated that we could never accomplish it had we known. Maybe these directions by the Holy Spirit keeps us from an accident or maybe we are making decisions for our life that will bring the very presence of God into the lives of others around us.

I don’t know who that man was. But I know that he was used by God for a purpose greater than he could comprehend. He and his wife’s choices were lining up a destiny far more complex than the human mind can fathom. As I give my life to God and listen for the direction of the Holy Spirit, I believe that I will be preparing room for Jesus to come disrupt my plans and fulfil His purpose in my life.

Jesus, thank You for this passage in the Bible. Thank You for pointing out the man that owned the room for Your Last Supper. How special it must have been for Him to provide a way for You to live out the scriptures that day. Please help me never underestimate the decisions I make and the importance of following Your leadings. I know that as I listen for You, You can direct me in ways that allow You to show up big in my life.

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