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Within My House

I love how humble David was. He was called a man after God’s own heart and he was the king that all recognize at the forefront of the lineage of Jesus. He was a pretty important guy but the way he talks to God is so humbly, almost childlike. Jesus said that we need to become like children, willingly obeying with full trust, in order to enter the kingdom of God. I think David is a wonderful example of this:

Psalm 101:2a

I will behave myself wisely and give heed to the blameless way..

David is committing to behave in a wise way that will leave him blameless before God. So, what is this blameless way?

Psalm 101:2b-3

I will walk within my house in integrity and with a blameless heart.

I will set no vulgar or wicked thing before my eyes. I hate the work of them who turn aside [from the right path]; it shall not grasp hold of me.

Anyone can walk with integrity while people are watching them. Anyone can have integrity at church with the pastor in the room. The blameless person that humbly submits to God walks with integrity in his own home. When no one is watching. When no one but God knows the difference.

To have a blameless heart, a person commits to not setting something wicked before their eyes. Not only that, but they hate the product of those that have turned aside from the right path and are trying to lure others onto that path.

Our culture can tell us something is okay for so long that we begin to accept something we know in our hearts in truly vulgar.

This comes from a society that lowers its standards a little at a time for years and years. Then one day, we are so far off base that we don’t even know how to get back to holiness.

David said that he would choose to walk with integrity in his own house. This means that whatever choices David has control over, he would choose to honor God. He can’t dictate what society accepts, but he can choose to not set his eyes on vile things. If he were living today, he could take a stand about what he allows in his home. He could choose to have a blameless heart by what he allows on his phone, on his television, on his computer, and what places he attends. He can commit to wisdom and not participate in every vile thing his co-workers participate in. If something vulgar does arise at some point, he can choose to not set his eyes on it. He can pass it by without allowing it to grasp hold of him.

In verse 4, it says that he will reject perverse ideas. Not dwell on them. To set means to be fixed on. Instead of fixing our eyes or our mind on perverse things, we need to reject them and actually despise them.

I have a prayer that I pray based on a section of the Lord ’s Prayer. The Lord ’s Prayer says: Lead me not into temptation. Because of that example, I pray very often that the Lord would make His way seem delightful to me and the way of the wicked would be repulsive to me. I want to set my mind, heart, and affection on things above, not all the nonsense down here.

Colossians 3:2

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Weak people conform to the world around them. Strong, world-changers challenge the norm of society and choose to walk in truth no matter how few are on that path with them.

Jesus, my affection is set on You. Please help my heart not be swayed to focus on the things of the world more than You. I want to have a blameless heart before You. I commit to the standard found in Your Word, not the standards of those around me. I commit to walk with integrity in my home. I commit to walk in integrity at my work. I choose to not set my eyes and mind on vulgar or wicked things. Please cause these things to be repulsive to me and make Your ways seem pleasant to my soul.

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