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Sometimes we can base how important we feel by how recognizable our jobs are. Or perhaps, by how many people get to acknowledge what we have done. The more people that know about how great we are or the more upfront our accomplishments are makes us feel like we have fulfilled a greater purpose. But, what if the greatest purpose for us is not the greatest position? Do we still trust that we are making a big impact in this world because we are in line with what God has planned for us?

Psalm 75:6-7

For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up.

But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts up another.

Of course we are okay when we are promoted. We feel respected and honored and we give God the glory. But what about the times when we are passed over? Do we still give God the glory and trust that our promotions and lifting ups come from Him? Maybe if a specific promotion we were looking for does not come to pass, it means that a “lower” position is of greater importance at this time in our life. This does not make sense in the world, but in God’s kingdom it makes total sense.

This year, I have been praying for God’s will to happen in my life and my family’s life. Until I started praying that prayer, I didn’t realize that it is kind of a scary prayer. If God’s will for my life is a life in the spot light, or full of esteem, or wealth, that’s a pretty exciting prayer. But, what if God’s will for certain times in my life involve sacrifice, anonymity, or servanthood? That doesn’t sound so exciting. When I pray for God’s will, I am really saying that whether it is something grand or whether it is something humble, I trust the Lord that it is the absolute perfect plan for my life.

There is freedom in recognizing that I don’t have to be something I’m not. I don’t have to prove to anyone that I am exceptional. I don’t have to measure my worth by the world’s idea of greatness. As long as I am trusting the Lord to be the one to promote me and lift me up, then when it’s not a season of promotion I know that it will come at the perfect time and I am perfectly spot on right where I am right now!

Of course I still seek God’s direction, and of course I still strive to do the best that I can as I walk in the doors He opens for me. But my self-worth is not determined by how lofty my position is.

My promotions and lifting ups come from the Lord. When I am not being promoted, I am secure that I am in the most important place for me to be at this time in my life.

Father God, thank You for being my Promoter and Judge. I refuse to judge myself by the world’s standards of greatness. I want to be lifted up by You, even if it is in doing something that the world doesn’t recognize as important. I trust You to promote me in Your perfect timing and I thank You for giving me wisdom, strength, and grace to accomplish Your perfect will for my life right now.

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