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The Conga Line

Last year I attended a ladies retreat with my church. We were having an evening dance party in the town square when we were instructed to form a conga line. I grabbed someone’s shoulders in front of me and followed along. We were laughing and bouncing as our line traveled around a fire pit. It was dark and I was mindlessly following those in front of me when the line began to veer in a different direction. I suppose my place in line is where we didn’t veer enough because before I knew it, I had run full force into a huge tree stump that would normally have been used as a seat by the fire pit. I fell forward over the stump and immediately felt excruciating pain in my knees and shins!

Later that night, when I changed into my pajamas, I saw the workings of what would be a huge bruise on my knee and very scraped up legs. I couldn’t help but think that this happened because instead of me making the best decision for where I should head, I mindlessly trusted the fun loving people around me to guide where I should go.

I really believe that many adults are out there going through life in a conga line. They mindlessly base the decisions for their life on what their friends, coworkers, or favorite stars are doing. They follow celebrities for advice, they gauge what to allow their children to do by what their friends do, and they decide what is morally acceptable for them by what their co-workers feel comfortable doing. People who do this will stumble, will fall, and will end up with more than some scraped up shins!

I think it’s pretty obvious that our Creator and Lord gives us much better direction than any of these other sources. His ways give us an assurance for the decisions we make for our life.

Psalm 37:23a

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.

1 Samuel 2:9a

He will guard the feet of his faithful servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness.

I am so glad that I don’t have to rely on other misguided humans to show me how to live my life. I have a God that loves me and has already laid out in His Word a world of direction for me. I have the Holy Spirit that guides me every day and keeps me from tripping over tree stumps in this crazy world! :-)

Psalm 37:31

The law of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip.

God, please help me to not question myself when I choose to live for You. People around me may feel okay about not living for You, but I know they are really living in darkness. Please help me to not be tempted to follow the path they are taking for their life. Thank You for Your Word and Your Spirit that directs every step that I take.

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