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Busy in the Details

“I’m so busy right now!” “Hurry up – we have to go!” “I wish I had more hours in the day to take care of everything that needs to get done!” These are all things I have heard myself say – recently. There are things that cause my head to pound and my heart to tense up because I keep thinking about all that I need to do. I get frantic if it’s time to go somewhere and the kids aren’t ready, and we are going to be late. I feel rushed and disappointed when I can’t do everything I wanted to do in the time I needed to do it in!

We place expectations on ourselves that no one else is really placing on us. We have an idea about how things need to go down, and if those plans don’t work out – Lord, help us! It’s amazing to me that this very topic was written about in the Bible so many years ago. Before they had cars, internet, and childhood sports teams.

Psalm 39:6 says, We are merely moving shadows,

and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.

We heap up wealth,

not knowing who will spend it.

This verse really hit me. All our busy rushing ends in nothing. Why do I rush so much? Why do I get stressed out about all that I have to do? I am rushing to get somewhere but that doesn’t end the stress. I will have something new to rush to the next day. I will have a deadline to meet again next week. My life is merely a shadow, an instant in God’s infinite plan. Are the things that I let pressure me every day really worth the effect I let them have on my mind and body?

Psalm 37:23 says, The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives [and He busies Himself with his every step].

The Lord delights in every detail of my life! Every detail. Instead of getting stressed out about all the details, what if I chose to experience every detail with God? He delights in the details of my life and I can trust Him to lead me through every single situation I face. We usually don’t get stressed out about the bigger picture – usually. It’s all those details every day that we have to get ironed out. And God delights in those! I want to delight in those with Him.

Instead of saying I am so busy… I am going to start saying that the Lord is busy with my every step!

Lord, thank You for caring about every detail of my life. Thank You for directing my steps so that I am secure in You. Please help me not to stress out about all the details of my life. I don’t want to rush to an end of nothing. I want to enjoy the details of my life with You.

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