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The Oil of Gladness

In many, many Biblical movies I see Jesus looking so serious all of the time. Yes, He is compassionate in the movie and kind and is a great teacher, but He is usually staring deeply and somberly in every scene. I can relate to that because I tend to be more on the serious side. I’m a deep thinker so you can usually find me contemplating something. If you ask me a question and you are met with me staring off as if I didn’t hear you, it is because I am thinking about something – God, what’s for dinner, work, my kids, my husband, and so on it goes…

Sometimes I get so caught up in everything I have to do in one day that I forget to just be. Sometimes I forget to just enjoy the people around me. That may sound crazy to you or you may be able to totally relate. I didn’t get married because I had a list of things I wanted my husband to take care of when he got home. I married him because I loved him and couldn’t wait to enjoy his company all of the time! :-) I didn’t have kids because I needed to tell someone every day how to clean their room better. I had kids because I desired to love on them and enjoy their presence in our lives.

I really believe that the portrayal of Jesus being so serious all of the time is kind of off. It is because of a verse that appears in the Old Testament in Psalm 45 and again in the New Testament in Hebrews 1. This is what the Bible has to say about Jesus:

Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions. All Your garments are scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia, Out of the ivory palaces, by which they have made You glad.

Jesus was anointed with the oil of gladness! How can you look somber all of the time when you are anointed to be glad?! In all of my wanting to serve God and live a good life, I can’t forget to enjoy the life that God has given me! The verse says that Jesus is anointed more than His companions, so that must mean that His companions can be anointed with the oil of gladness too.

This past week I was feeling pretty serious. I prayed for God to anoint me with the oil of gladness so that I could enjoy the family He gave me. That same day as the kids and I were riding in the car, I had a great idea for a game. We played name that tune. As soon as a new song came on the radio, we would see who could name the name of the song or the artist first. We looked up the now playing songs on the station’s website and cheered as we got it right or aahhed as we got it wrong. We laughed, giggled, and genuinely enjoyed each other.

There is no better example of Jesus that we can be to others than to enjoy the abundant life we have in Him.

Thank You Jesus for being my source of joy. I pray that I don’t get so caught up in the seriousness of life that I forget to enjoy life itself. I pray that you anoint me with the oil of gladness so that I am able to freely love others and enjoy all the blessings You have given me.

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