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A Little Pressure

We are all familiar with the great Exodus and all the miracles God performed to free His people. We know about all the plagues that were sent to the enemy, and about the sea parting. Then, we see how God appeared in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to guide the people. We also see how He provided manna miraculously each day. These people must have seen more miracles than any of us will probably see in our entire life!

Moses was greatly used by God, but many TV shows and movies neglect to recount how present Aaron was the entire time. He was on the frontline with Moses and was put in charge as a leading priest for the people. While Moses was up on the mountain receiving the commands from God, the people below grew restless. They talked Aaron into abandoning the God that had saved them and creating a new god to suit their needs at the moment.

When Moses came off the mountain and saw the horrible sight of these people celebrating their golden calf god, he broke the stone tablets with the commands on them. Approaching Aaron, he asked how he could do such a thing. Aaron said that the people were intent on doing evil so he himself collected the gold from the people to create the calf in the fire.

What!? How could someone who was so used of God and had witnessed so many miracles from God, turn his back on Him within a few weeks? How could God have been so faithful to Aaron and Aaron could just forget it all? Moses asked Aaron what horrible thing these people did to him to make him commit such a grave sin, and Aaron basically said they had pressured him so he relented.

We are all in situations where wicked people around us pressure us to turn away from God, and turn to other things to bring us peace and comfort. We can let the pressure cause us to do something we know God has told us not to do. God can be so good to us, and then when we feel like He is silent in our lives for a bit we begin turning to other sources for our strength and direction.

Did you know that wicked people can be nice? Did you know that wicked people can have fun? The wicked people that were worshipping the calf were dancing, and singing, and having a great time – for a while. However, at the end of the story we see lots of deaths and a plague on the people that was definitely no party.

God has been so good to me and so faithful to me. Just because others who don’t know Him and don’t want to know Him turn their backs on Him, I refuse to let a little pressure cause me to turn away from my Heavenly Father that loves me. I love Him more than I love the approval of the people around me. I can withstand pressure with the help of the Holy Spirit! There is no one like my God. There is no co-worker, friend, or family member that is worth me compromising my relationship with Jesus! I put Him first in every situation and if a situation arises that I can’t put Him first in, then I leave that situation!

Isaiah 44:6-8

Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. Who is like me? Let him proclaim it Let him declare and set it before me, since I appointed an ancient people. Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen. Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any.”

Father God, You are first and before You there is no other. Anyone who would cause me to forget that is no friend of mine. You have always been good to me. You have always been faithful to me. Please help me to always remember to put You first in my life no matter what wicked people around me may do. Please help me to see the pressure of people as a little thing and Your presence in my life as a big thing! I am not afraid of the opinions of people, in Jesus name!

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