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My Big Brother

I didn’t have a big brother living with me as a child. I don’t really know what it’s like to grow up with one. However, my mom has told me stories about one of her big brothers. He was several years older than her and had a reputation for being very tough. She could go anywhere and know she was safe from guys being disrespectful to her because they all knew that if they did or said the wrong thing, they were going to have to answer to her big brother! I love how safe and secure she felt all because of her tough big brother.

Romans 8:29

For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

You know what this is saying, right? Jesus is God’s firstborn Son, and those who are God’s children are His brothers and sisters. This is saying that we have a big brother named Jesus Christ! I’m pretty sure that He is the best big brother of all time! He looks out for us and makes us feel so secure in Him.

There’s also this disrespectful dude named Satan. In Revelation, he is referred to as the accuser of the brethren. He accuses us every single day for everything he can think of that we’ve done wrong. But, there is someone much more powerful than the devil to stand up for us when he accuses us – our big brother.

The Bible says in 1 John that Jesus is our advocate, and in 1 Timothy that He is our Mediator. Satan is there to accuse us all day long, and Jesus is there to defend us! I guarantee that when Jesus defends us, Satan gets shut up pretty quickly!!

It is very healthy to feel sorry for wrong things we’ve done. But when we do wrong, we need to repent and move forward with the Lord. If we are walking through life with our head hung in shame, then we are forgetting who our big brother is. Satan wants to accuse us for every wrong thing so that we will think we have no authority to live a full life in Jesus. But Jesus is our defense! Because of Him we can live forgiven and free to hold our head up and keep on living for Him!

I have connections! My big brother is Jesus Christ, and Satan cannot throw my sins in my face. Jesus mediates for me and helps me live safe and secure in Him!

Thank you, Jesus, for being an amazing big brother! You are not here to beat me down for every sin I commit. You are here to lift me up out of my sin so that I can continue to walk through life with You. Thank You for standing up for me to the devil. Thank You for shutting him up about me. You are so good to me and I feel safe and secure with You by my side.

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