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Looking for God

Have you ever tried to find a good hotel for a family vacation? Or tried to find a nice fitting dress for a wedding or special function? I’m sure you set aside time each week to grocery shop for your family’s weekly meals. We also do our best to find the exact items our children need for their athletic and academic activities. We will always carve out time to look for the necessities in our life. Things that are less important might not make the cut in our weekly plans.

I wonder if we would consider seeking God a necessity in our life? I wonder if we carve out time to spend with Him, or if we just wait to see if we feel like going to church or reading our Bible without much thought beyond that. Do we see God as something so important to us that we can’t go hardly a day without communicating with Him, spending time with Him, or acknowledging Him in some way? We will make time to seek out what’s important to us. It’s so sad that our Creator, our loving Heavenly Father, our Savior, would perhaps not make the cut.

So, if God is so important, why do people not make time to spend with Him? In Psalm 10:4, it says:

The wicked are too proud to seek God.

If you stop and think about it, it really is a pride thing. Not making time for God is saying, “I can do this on my own, I’m able to handle this without You, I really don’t care what You have to say.” The opposite, humility, says, “I am nothing without You. I need you – every day. I don’t know what is best, please show me.”

I almost find it silly when people say they just haven’t experienced God in their life. I have never experienced the Grand Canyon in my life. BUT, I have never bought a plane ticket to travel to Arizona. I have never studied to find out how to get to the canyon. I have never taken time off to make a trip there. Therefore, I have never experienced the Grand Canyon in my life. However, you better believe if I took the time off, and rode a plane there, and rented a car to drive there, I would finally gaze upon the sightly wonder.

Proverbs 8:17

I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me.

Jeremiah 29:12-13

You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

God has clearly promised to us that if we will take the time to seek Him, we will find Him. He is not a far off God, He is as present in our lives as we make time for Him to be. The problem is not Him being distant, the problem is that we are either too proud or too lazy to make time for the greatest entity in the universe. I can’t have a relationship or really know someone with looking into them and investing in getting to know them. God is so worth getting to know. The more we seek Him, the more we get to know Him. We then have direction for our life, comfort in the hard times, peace in the good and bad, and strength to walk through every day like our dad owns the place!

Please don’t just wait for time to randomly find you to spend time seeking God, make time for your Heavenly Father in your day like He is the most important person in world to you.

Father God, You are so much more important to me than I have made it seem with how I spend my time. I want to know You better and I need You every day in my life. You are more magnificent than I could ever imagine, and any time spent with You is an honor to me. Thank You for revealing Yourself more and more to me each time I seek You.

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