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My Blameless Checklist

I love reading passages in the Bible that inspire me to live my whole life in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. I love seeing where I’m getting things right and I love seeing areas that I can work on so that I can grow. I read an amazing passage this morning that is like a list of how a person who is blameless before the Lord lives. It got me excited seeing it all laid out before me, so let’s look at it together!

Psalm 15

Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right:

  • Speaking the truth from sincere hearts – Do I live a life where I refuse to tell lies no matter how big or small? Do I adjust the truth to accommodate my lies or do I adjust my behavior to accommodate telling the truth? Do I live my life in a way that I would not be embarrassed or ashamed for certain people to find out or see how I acted or hear things I’ve said? Do I live in a way that I will not have to lie later to cover my tracks? Am I always truthful to my spouse, children, friends, and employer? Do I hide things?

  • Those who refuse to gossip - When I find out something bad about someone, do I readily tell others about what’s happened? Do I talk bad about other people when they’re not around? Do I expose other’s faults? Do I say negative things about others to other people that I would never say if they were standing in the room?

  • Those who refuse to harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends – Do I do things to hurt the people I care about? Do I talk bad about my friend to my other friend?

  • Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord – Do I honor those who flagrantly sin and have no care for following the Lord? Do I esteem a person that leads others into a sinful way of life? Do I admire someone that willingly disobeys the Lord’s instructions and displays and entertains with their sinful lifestyle without regard for the Lord? Do I honor and respect those who live wholeheartedly for the Lord, and do I use those who love the Lord as a role model for me and my family?

  • Keep their promises even when it hurts- Do I say I will do something but when it is not convenient for me I break my commitment? Can people always count on me? If I said I would do something or be somewhere, do others completely trust that I will do what I said? Do I flippantly say I will do things, but when I don’t feel like doing them I just don’t without too much worry - or do I keep my word even if it hurts me to do so?

  • Those who lend money without charging interest, and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent – Does money have a hold on me? Do I help people only to get something back in return - or do I do it with a sincere heart? Would I be willing to lie in certain situations if it meant that I could get a little extra money out of it?

Psalm 15:5

The one who does these things will stand firm forever.

What an awesome check list! I enjoyed going through these with my children this morning. I’m sure you are like me – you were able to check off some things that you are rocking in your life, but then you saw some that you could do much better in. Don’t be discouraged if you have a few to grow in. How do we know unless God shows us? God has shown us in His Word a better way to live, and now we see areas in our life that can be much better. I’m excited about this reminder for how a blameless person lives!

Father, thank You so much for Your Word. You never leave us in the dark on how we can live an immovable life in You! I don’t want to live a life that only meets half of the things mentioned in Psalm 15 – I want to be able check all of them off by the power of Your Spirit! Please help me stay strong in the areas I’m stronger in, and please help me be committed and passionate about growing up in the areas that I wasn’t able to check off. Thank You for Your endless patience with me! Your goodness draws me in closer to You.

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