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For All He Has Revealed

When I think about the expanse of the universe and all the wondrous galaxies, it makes me realize just how amazing God is. When I think of the planets and the stars and how everything seems to flow with such orchestration, it is mind boggling. The Great Conductor is so complex and great that my mind could not begin to understand all that He is. There are things so magnificent and mysterious that I can’t even try to comprehend them. These are the things that I will either never fully understand, or will have to wait until heaven to begin seeing answers to these questions.

However, we do know a lot about God. We do know a lot about His ways. We know a lot about His character. And we know a lot about His purpose for our lives. We know this because He has chosen to share this with us through His Word. The Bible says that in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. When we read the Word of God, we are truly getting to know God Himself!

Deuteronomy 29:29 says:

“The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions.”

We will not be accountable to God for all of the wonderfully mysterious things that we do not understand. However, this verse lets us know that we are accountable for what He has already revealed to us in His Word. Not only are we accountable for them, but our children are, too! How can I obey what He has revealed to me if I don’t take the time to learn it? How can my children obey what He has revealed if I don’t take the time to teach them what it says? This is a mandate to me from the Lord to teach my children all that God has shown us in His Word – and this is not a once a month thing! This is a day in and day out thing, if we want our family to understand God’s instructions to us.

Maybe some parents don’t teach their kids the Word because they feel inadequate. Maybe they feel guilty for not obeying everything in it themselves. Or, maybe the business of this world has taken precedent over the condition of our children’s spiritual health to us.

I will tell you that you do not have to be a Bible scholar to teach your children the Bible! There are great Bible resources for every age, and all it takes is a sweet mom, with a sweet voice, and a few minutes to read along with their child. Or, a moment in the car with the radio turned down to share a verse you read in the Bible that day with your children.

You do not have to be perfect to share a perfect God with your children. The Bible you share with your kids is full of imperfect people that God used to fulfill His purpose. Let them know areas God has shown you that you need to grow in, and they will feel safe to do the same with you.

To quote a pastor at my church, don’t let the things that are most pressing in this world keep you from that which is most important. Teaching our kids about God and His Word is more important than the sporting activities we take them to, it is more important than the grades they are getting in school, and it is more important than every form of entertainment we have. I and my children will be accountable for what God has revealed to us in His Word, so I plan to be the best parent I can be by making the Word of God be at the top of our family’s priorities!

Father God, thank You so much for Your Word. You have given us instructions so that we don’t have to fumble through this world in the dark. Please help me share Your Word with my children so that they learn to know You through it. There is nothing in this world that is more important for them than that.

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