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Bringing It Gladly

I really love Joash in the Bible because even though he was only seven years old when he became king, He did what was pleasing in the sight of the Lord. He listened to his godly elders, and led the people in the ways of the Lord.

There was a wicked king that had come before Joash and had utterly desecrated the temple of the Lord. Joash decided to not only repair the temple, but restore it to its previous splendor. He summoned the priests and told them to go out and announce to the people that is was time to give the Temple taxes just like they were supposed to according to the laws given through Moses.

The king ordered a chest to be made and set outside the gate that led to the Temple of the Lord. Then, he sent out a proclamation to tell the people to bring the Lord the Temple tax. I think this was so noble that this king wanted to make the Temple of the Lord an honorable place again. However, what really struck me was the people’s reaction upon hearing that they would now be required to pay the Temple tax:

2 Chronicles 24:10

This pleased all the leaders and the people, and they gladly brought their money and filled the chest with it.

What!? When the people heard they had to pay a new (old) tax, they were glad about it? How impressive! Maybe it’s because I hear so many people in America today grumble and complain about anyone asking for money for the Lord’s work. Of course there are people who manipulate people into giving money for the wrong reasons, but that is not every church leader. Sometimes even my tendency is to hold my purse a little tighter when I’m asked to give something extra in church or to missions. This verse changed my whole perspective on giving toward the work of the Lord.

I actually read this verse just before my pastor announced that we would be starting a campaign to raise money for new facilities at our church that would help us reach more people each week with the gospel and with benevolence. I praise God that I did read it at that time. When he announced this project, my first reaction wasn’t, “Oh great, they want more money”. My reaction was, “Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to give toward your work!”

Are there kids in your community raising funds for a mission’s trip? Is your church asking you to give to add on to their building or fix what they have? Whatever it is, I would challenge you to look for small or big opportunities to give to the Lord’s work. What better investment could we make with our money than to promote the Good News of Jesus? What’s better than to give to people that spend their lives building up strong Christian families and laboring to help people succeed in their walk with the Lord?

Father God, thank You for giving me this example of a people who were so glad to bring their money to build up Your Temple. I’m sorry for when I have had a negative attitude toward giving to the kingdom. Please give me wisdom to make good decisions on where to give. I trust that You will, and I pray that You help my heart gladly give whenever I have the opportunity to give to people working for You!

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