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Victory in the Praise

When we are going through hard times, or just having one of those days, it seems the only way to beat it is to join it. I know that often my first response is to get grumpy and give the “world” back what it’s dishing out to me! However, we see another way to fight back when we are going through dark times.

King Jehosaphat was responsible for his people, and all at once many armies had combined into a massive hoard with the intent to attack them. He and the people were pretty freaked out – understandably. As he cried out to the Lord, the spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel and he spoke to the people on the Lord’s behalf. He told them:

“Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discourage by the huge army coming against you. The battle is not yours, but God’s… Do not be afraid or discouraged…The Lord is with you!”

If that doesn’t fire you up, I don’t know what will! The Lord twice told them to not be discouraged or afraid because He would be there for them. Now, for the good part:

The next morning, the king told them that if they would believe in the Lord their God, they would be able to stand firm. He appointed singers to walk ahead of his army and:

“sing to the Lord, praising Him for His holy splendor.” They sang: “Give thanks to the Lord; His faithful love endures forever!”

At the exact moment they were singing, the Lord caused the armies that had come together to attack them to turn on each other and utterly destroy themselves! Not one of the enemy was left, and king Jehosaphat’s people got to gather the plunder for days to come!

Isn’t it amazing that at the very moment they began singing thanks to the Lord and praising Him, the Lord fought on their behalf? I know we want to go into shut down mode when hard times come, but we have to remember that if we turn to the Lord He can turn things around for us. Whether it is a major trial you are going through, or just a stressful and crazy day, turn on some worship music and sing a song of praise to the Lord from deep in your heart. Something happens in the atmosphere of your life that you can’t see. When we praise the Lord despite what is going on around us, it causes darkness to flee and invites the presence of the Lord right where we are.

Mighty Lord, thank You for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. I see that as we praise You and thank You, You cause darkness to flee in my life. Please give me the strength to not give into the darkness, but to praise You right where I’m at. I know that as I do, I will see Your presence flood my situation and I will collect the plunder because of it!

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