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I know when I first got married and when I first started having children, I had such a beautiful picture of how things were going to be. I saw the way so many people were in their marriages and the horrible job they were doing parenting, and I had a plethora of great ideas that assured me that it would be different in my family.

Today, things in my family are different than many others. We are so super blessed in so many different ways. However, sometimes life throws you curve balls. Things you didn’t see coming when you were daydreaming about how wonderful it would be. Sometimes things become routine and before you know it, there are attacks against your family. So, I guess the question isn’t how to have a family without attacks, but what do I do when the attacks come?

In Nehemiah 4, Nehemiah was leading the way in rebuilding the wall around his home town. This was a very noble adventure because not having a wall there represented defeat, oppression, and weakness. Leaders around them didn’t like that the wall was being built and so set out to attack them. The people were starting to freak out, and Nehemiah told them this:

I looked [them over] and rose up and said to the nobles and officials and the other people, Do not be afraid of the enemy; [earnestly] remember the Lord and imprint Him [on your minds], great and terrible, and [take from Him courage to] fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.

Have hard times come against your family? Do you see strife and division in your marriage? Do you see constant conflict with your children? Do you see distractions and rebellion turning hearts away from the Lord? Well, don’t just sit there! Take heart from this verse: Earnestly remember how amazing and strong the Lord is and imprint Him on your minds. Take courage from how magnificent and powerful He is, and then fight for your family!! Your God is bigger than rebellion. Your God is bigger than pornography. Your God is bigger than addiction, strife, and anger. Fight for your family - for your husband, your wife, your sons, your daughters, and your home!!

Father, I am so sorry when I have forgotten how big and mighty you are. Help me to remember how big you are compared to my problems. I want to fight for my family, not just sit back and let things go. Please give me the strength to stand on your Word, fight in prayer, and listen to your direction for every relationship in my home. You are victorious in our home!

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