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It's Okay to Let Go

I got to experience a very touching moment as a mother not long ago. I watched as my husband taught our son how to ride his bicycle without training wheels. It was so sweet to see my husband holding onto the back of the bike and helping to steer the handles. It was of course a little wobbly as my son tried to steady his fears and my husband tried to steady the bike.

After quite a while of this, it was time for my husband to let him try it on his own. As they got off to a start it was still wobbly, but I noticed something miraculous. When my husband sent him on his way, my son was able to pick up speed and balance even better than when my husband was beside him!

Isn’t this the goal of parenting? To teach all you can to your children, and when the time is right they will put into practice what you’ve taught them. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart watching this scenario and showed me that sometimes the best thing we can do for our children is to let them try things on their own. The more we hold on after the teaching, the wobblier it makes them.

I know I want to raise strong young adults that can make good decisions and make an impact in this world. But, if I let go – they may fall. They may make mistakes. They may do wrong when I know they knew right. Yes, they will. However, our goal is not to raise perfect kids who do no wrong. Our goal is to raise righteous kids.

Proverbs 24:16 says:

Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.

How eye opening this is for me! I’m not raising kids to not fall, I’m raising kids that know how to get back up! And they will get back up!!

Sometimes, I need to just let go and let them pick up some speed. When they fall, I’m not here to judge them. I’m here to correct them, direct them, and restore them.

Father God, please help my unbelief. I believe that as I sow seeds of You and Your Word into my kids, I am raising righteous kids. Please help our family create a home that is safe to fall in. A home that doesn’t overemphasize the fall, but focuses on the resolve to get back up!

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