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Diligent in the Daily Doing

Do you ever feel like your day to day tasks are so mundane? There have been times when I feel like I really am living for God every day, but I’m not really doing anything big or spectacular. I tend to think maybe I’ve been overlooked or maybe I’m not looking hard enough for something big to do for God.

As I was reading the Bible to my son the other day, 1 Samuel 16 really stood out to me. It was time to anoint a new king, and every son of Jesse came to stand before the prophet. However, they were all passed over. They sent for David who was in the fields keeping sheep and anointed him as the next king.

David didn’t have to “try” to do something big. He was faithful in what was put before him, and when the time came God made sure the right people were able to find him.

Another time, King Saul had a troubling spirit and needed a gifted musician to play peace into the room. Someone knew about David’s abilities, told Saul, and Saul sent for David to come to the palace. Again, David didn’t try to get “important” people to notice him. He was diligent in his daily tasks, developing the gifts and talents God had placed in him. When the time was right, the king was able to find him again faithfully accomplishing the daily tasks set before him.

I don’t want to wait for something “big” to come along before I use the gifts God has placed in me. I want to use the gifts I have in my home, in my church, at my job, and in my community. If there’s a bigger picture for me in the future, God is big enough to find me right where I’m at and open doors of opportunity for me!

God, please don’t let me ever undervalue where You have placed me. I have a ministry right now in my home and community. Please show me how I can use and develop my gifts and talents for Your glory where I’m at to touch people for You. I know if I’m to be a part of a bigger picture, You will direct my steps and others’ steps to me!

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