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Who's Searching for You?

1 Peter 5:8

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

For some reason, I have heard this verse a lot over the years. I have heard many, many preachers bring this verse up as a warning. Satan is waiting for us to make ourselves vulnerable to an attack by him and his team. He is on constant look out for someone to devour, so I better be careful. This verse is very important, and I’m so glad that the Word gives us warnings like these so that we are not taken off guard!

However, I took notice of a verse the other day that reminded me that Satan is a faker and is not very original! He usually just mimics God in a very poor and perverted way. Check out this verse:

2 Chronicles 16:9

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…

Wow! Satan may be searching for someone to devour, but God is searching for someone to strengthen! I love that this shows a characteristic that reminds us we are made in His image! His eyes search for someone’s heart that is fully committed to Him. I feel like I turned over a coin today – I am seeing another side. I’m not going to be a half-hearted Christian woman who Satan can devour. No, I’m going to be a woman who is whole-heartedly committed to Jesus!! As I stay committed to Him (yes, even when things don’t go my way!), when I stay wholly committed to Him, He will personally give me His supernatural strength to make it through anything that comes my way! Praise the Lord!

Father God, please forgive me for times I have dwelt in doubt. I pray that as You search for a heart that is wholly committed to You, that my heart will be one that You will be able to find and strengthen! Thank You, Lord!

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