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Defining Our Kids' Identity

I have heard 40 year old adults think back and repeat the words their parents spoke over them as a child. “You will never amount to anything”. “You’re an idiot”. “You won’t succeed”. It’s amazing to me that simple phrases can stay logged in a person’s brain for decades. I believe one reason these phrases may be repeated in a person’s mind for years to come is that they learn to identify with the statement made against them.

We may not be as harsh as some parents on our kids but I’m sure we have said some damaging things from time to time. “You are just lazy”. “You never try hard enough”. “You always forget what I tell you”. Is what we are telling our children going to be a positive influence on what their identity becomes as an adult? I want to speak life into my children so that when someone asks them who they are, all those words I spoke into them will rise up out of their spirit before they even have time to ponder the question being asked!

I came across this verse that talks about a jewel of a woman in Proverbs 31 the other day: “She is energetic and strong, a hard worker”. I love that for my daughters!! I have randomly been walking up to them and telling them: You are an energetic and strong, a hard worker! They usually smile and say thank you. You know what, though? I am sowing seeds of identity into them that will produce a life and mind lined up with God’s plan for them!

Let’s purpose to keep in mind identity statements as we read our Bibles. The Bible says speak those things that are not as though they are. Sometimes you may be speaking into them by faith, but that’s okay. You can speak death or life, blessings or cursings. Choose life and purpose for your kids!

Lord, please help me speak your Word into my children’s lives so much that it becomes a part of their identity that rises forth from their spirit for the rest of their lives. Please help me bridle my tongue from speaking death and defeat into my children.

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