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Personal Looks

Personal Looks

As a woman, all throughout my life I have to resist the urge to pick my looks apart. The enemy is constantly trying to get me to look in the mirror and focus on any aspects about myself that I don’t like. I could have just spent 45 minutes doing my hair and make-up and getting dressed. My first inclination is not to say, “Wow, girl, you are lookin’ good!” No, my first inclination is to say, “Man, why is that pimple there?” or “I wish my arms were thinner”.

The Bible says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. If I am going to have a positive effect on the world around me; if I am going to not get so caught up in jealousy of what others have or insecurity about what I don’t have - I have to appreciate the good qualities about myself!

My goal is to look in the mirror and resist the urge to focus on what I don’t like. Instead, I am going to find at least one thing (and some days many things!) that I have going on and thank God for that feature about myself. I am going to speak positively about myself to my friends around me and to the girls looking up to me. I refuse to agree with the Devil and tear myself down for one more minute!!

So, the feature I love about myself today is my feet. No, I have never really thought that my feet were super special or should be featured in a magazine. Although, my husband is sorely impressed that they never stink ;-). The reason I love my feet today is because of this amazing verse that popped out at me today:

Romans 10:15

And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

Lord, I thank you for my beautiful feet! I get the opportunity to bring your good news to girls around me because of my feet! Let me never waste an opportunity to share your good news with the people you have placed in my life. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I will not waste time bashing myself. Please help me be an encouragement to other women to see their beauty!

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